Welcome to Rotary Club of Hyderabad East
Welcome to Rotary Club of Hyderabad East (RCHE), Club No.24126, District 3150, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Our Club was charted on 29.10.1986. Charter President was MAT Caparas from RC Manila, Philippines. Charter year theme was " Rotary Brings Hope". Over the last 33 years of its existence the RCHE has conducted various programs in all the avenues of service. However the signature projects of the club have been constructing Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants in rural areas and construction of Government school buildings in collaboration with Government of Andhra Pradesh and now a Skin Bank in Osmania General Hospital . Details of various projects executed over the years can be found elsewhere in the website. Through our website we reach out to Rotarians and we extend our complete co-operation and support for any inter-club or inter-district Rotary Projects.
President Message
I trust this message finds you well and filled with the same enthusiasm that fills my heart as we embark on a new chapter with our Rotary Club. It is an honor to serve as the President of our esteemed club, and I am excited to share with you some of our upcoming initiatives and the vision we have for the year ahead.
Our club's enduring legacy is firmly anchored in the pillars of Service, Fellowship, Diversity, and Integrity. These core values will remain steadfast, lighting the path as we strive for the continuous improvement of our local and global communities. As we embark on our 37th year, we do so with a rich history of unwavering dedication to Service. Though our numbers may be smaller than in years past, our commitment and resolve shine brighter than ever, embodying the strength of a hundred.
RCHE is known for its unique and large-scale service projects. The Skin Bank Project is very prestigious, and no one has done it before making us a significant contributor to sustainable service projects. I have embarked on a challenging task to upkeep the legacy of RCHE, and I am sure with all fellow Rotarian's support we all make RCHE enthusiastic.
This year, I am conceiving a sustainable service project "Manonetram" to provide Groceries and computers and assist visually impaired people to become employable by providing the required resources (training). This coming year will be no exception! As President, this year, I promise to lead this club, by always being mindful of Rotarian’s 4-Way Test concerning the things I think, say or do –
• Is it the TRUTH?
• Is it FAIR to all concerned?
• Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
• Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
What has achieved is quite a lot but we are fully programmed to achieve bigger goals in the coming months in sync with our Rotary goals for the year 23-24 to continue the legacy of one of the best clubs in the District in this Rotary Year.
Yours’ in Rotary.
Rtn K Sudesh Reddy
Our Club Members